XRay Trace

XRay Trace

AWS X-Ray helps developers and DevOps engineers quickly understand how an application and its underlying services are performing. When it’s integrated with AWS App Mesh, the combination makes for a powerful analytical tool.

To instrument your application code, use the X-Ray SDK. The SDK records data about incoming and outgoing requests and sends it to the X-Ray daemon, which relays the data in batches to X-Ray. See the examples in the code below for our Product Catalog demo application.

Service Map

Log into console, navigate to X-Ray, you should see the below in the Service Map. AWS X-Ray service maps show information about call from the client to its downstream services. The service graph arrows show the request workflow, which helps to understand the relationships between services. Below graph shows the traces when we access the Product Catalog application from the Load Balancer endpoint:

  • First, the Envoy proxy prodcatalog-mesh/ingress-gw of VirtualGateway received the request and routed it to the Envoy proxy prodcatalog-mesh/frontend-node.
  • Then, the Envoy proxy prodcatalog-mesh/frontend-node routed it to the server Frontend Node.
  • Then, Frontend Node made a request to server Product Catalog to retrieve the products.
  • Instead of directly calling the Product Catalog server, the request went to the frontend-node Envoy proxy and the proxy routed the call to Product Catalog server.
  • Then, the Envoy proxy prodcatalog-mesh/prodcatalog received the request and routed it to the server Product Catalog.
  • Then, Product Catalog made a request to server Product Detail V1 to retrieve the catalog detail information for version 1.
  • Instead of directly calling the Product Detail V1 server, the request went to the prodcatalog Envoy proxy and the proxy routed the call to Product Detail V1.
  • Then, the Envoy proxy prodcatalog-mesh/prodetail-v1 received the request and routed it to the server Product Detail V1.
  • Similar steps of workflow happens when Product Detail V2 is accessed when we click on Canary Deployment button.

\[Image NOT FOUND\]

Trace Details

Frontend Node service to Product Catalog service

Log into console, navigate to X-Ray -> Service Map -> Click on prodcatalog-mesh/frontend-node_prodcatalog-ns, you should see the below page. \[Image NOT FOUND\]

Now Click on View Traces in above page, you should see below which shows all the requests routed from prodcatalog-mesh/frontend-node_prodcatalog-ns \[Image NOT FOUND\]

Now Click on http://prodcatalog.prodcatalog-ns.svc.cluster.local:5000/products/ and then click on any trace from the Trace List table to see the detailed traces for this request. \[Image NOT FOUND\] In this page, you see the number of request, latency for each hop in the trace between prodcatalog-mesh/frontend-node_prodcatalog-ns and the Product Catalog server. \[Image NOT FOUND\]

Product Catalog service to Product Detail V1 service

Log into console, navigate to X-Ray -> Service Map -> Click on prodcatalog-mesh/prodcatalog_prodcatalog-ns, you should see the below page. \[Image NOT FOUND\] Now Click on View Traces in above page, you should see below which shows all the requests routed from prodcatalog-mesh/prodcatalog_prodcatalog-ns \[Image NOT FOUND\]

Now Click on http://prodetail.prodcatalog-ns.svc.cluster.local:5000/catalogDetail/ and then click on any trace from the Trace List table to see the detailed traces for this request. \[Image NOT FOUND\] In this page, you see the number of request, latency for each hop in the trace between prodcatalog-mesh/prodcatalog_prodcatalog-ns and the Product Detail V1 server. \[Image NOT FOUND\]