Testing Canary Deployment

Automated Canary Promotion

According to the Flagger documentation, canary deployment is triggered by changes in any of the following objects:

  • Deployment PodSpec (container image, command, ports, env, resources, etc).
  • ConfigMaps and Secrets mounted as volumes or mapped to environment variables

We will trigger a canary deployment by updating the container image of detail service to version 2. Flagger will detect changes to the target deployment and will perform a canary analysis before promoting the new version as primary.

export APP_VERSION_2=2.0
kubectl -n flagger set image deployment/detail detail=public.ecr.aws/u2g6w7p2/eks-microservice-demo/detail:${APP_VERSION_2}

deployment.apps/detail image updated

Flagger detects that the deployment revision changed and starts a new rollout. You can see the log events for this deployment

kubectl -n appmesh-system logs deploy/flagger --tail 10  -f | jq .msg 

"New revision detected! Scaling up detail.flagger"
"Starting canary analysis for detail.flagger"
"Pre-rollout check acceptance-test passed"
"Advance detail.flagger canary weight 5"
"Advance detail.flagger canary weight 10"
"Advance detail.flagger canary weight 15"
"Copying detail.flagger template spec to detail-primary.flagger"
"Routing all traffic to primary"
"Promotion completed! Scaling down detail.flagger"

You can also check the events using the below command

kubectl describe canary detail -n  flagger

  Normal   Synced  5m38s                flagger  New revision detected! Scaling up detail.flagger
  Normal   Synced  4m38s                flagger  Starting canary analysis for detail.flagger
  Normal   Synced  4m38s                flagger  Pre-rollout check acceptance-test passed
  Normal   Synced  4m38s                flagger  Advance detail.flagger canary weight 5
  Normal   Synced  3m38s                flagger  Advance detail.flagger canary weight 10
  Normal   Synced  2m38s                flagger  Advance detail.prodcatalog-ns canary weight 15
  Normal   Synced  13s (x2 over 73s)    flagger  (combined from similar events): Copying detail.flagger template spec to detail-primary.flagger
  Normal   Synced  7s (x3 over 2m7s)  flagger  (combined from similar events): Routing all traffic to primary
  Normal   Synced  14s (x4 over 3m14s)  flagger  (combined from similar events): Promotion completed! Scaling down detail.flagger

When the canary analysis starts, Flagger will call the pre-rollout webhooks before routing traffic to the canary. Note that if you apply new changes to the deployment during the canary analysis, Flagger will restart the analysis.

Go to the LoadBalancer endpoint in browser and verify if new version 2 has been deployed. version2

Automated Rollback

We will create the scenario for automated rollback. During the canary analysis we will generate HTTP 500 errors to test if Flagger pauses the rollout.

Trigger a canary deployment by updating the container image of detail service to version 3:

export APP_VERSION_3=3.0
kubectl -n flagger set image deployment/detail detail=public.ecr.aws/u2g6w7p2/eks-microservice-demo/detail:${APP_VERSION_3}

deployment.apps/detail image updated

Once the canary analysis starts, you see the below message

kubectl -n appmesh-system logs deploy/flagger --tail 10  -f | jq .msg

"New revision detected! Scaling up detail.flagger"
"Starting canary analysis for detail.flagger"

Exec into the loadtester pod

kubectl -n flagger exec -it deploy/flagger-loadtester bash
Defaulting container name to loadtester.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/flagger-loadtester-5bdf76cfb7-wl59d -n flagger' to see all of the containers in this pod.

Generate HTTP 500 errors from http://detail-canary.flagger:3000/catalogDetail

curl http://detail-canary.flagger:3000/injectFault
hey -z 1m -c 5 -q 5 http://detail-canary.flagger:3000/catalogDetail

When the number of failed checks reaches the canary analysis threshold which we have set as 1 in our setup, the traffic is routed back to the primary, the canary is scaled to zero and the rollout is marked as failed.

kubectl -n appmesh-system logs deploy/flagger --tail 10  -f | jq .msg

"New revision detected! Scaling up detail.flagger"
"Starting canary analysis for detail.flagger"
"Pre-rollout check acceptance-test passed"
"Advance detail.flagger canary weight 5"
"Halt detail.flagger advancement success rate 23.03% < 99%"
"Rolling back detail.flagger failed checks threshold reached 1"
"Canary failed! Scaling down detail.flagger"

Go to the LoadBalancer endpoint in browser and you will still see version 2 and version 3 did not get deployed. rollback

Redeploy Version 3 again

Lets deploy the version 3 again, this time without injecting errors.

As per the Flagger FAQ you can set an update to an annotation so that flagger knows to retry the release. The canary that failed has already been updated to the new image version 3, which is why setting the image version to the same value a second time will have no effect. So we need to update the annotation of the pod spec, which will then trigger a new canary progressing which is what we will be doing using below yaml.

export APP_VERSION_3=3.0
envsubst < ./flagger/flagger-app_noerror.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

deployment.apps/detail configured

Flagger detects that the deployment revision changed and starts a new rollout:

kubectl -n appmesh-system logs deploy/flagger --tail 10  -f | jq .msg

"New revision detected! Scaling up detail.flagger"
"Starting canary analysis for detail.flagger"
"Pre-rollout check acceptance-test passed"
"Advance detail.flagger canary weight 5"
"Advance detail.flagger canary weight 10"
"Advance detail.flagger canary weight 15"
"Advance detail.flagger canary weight 20"
"Copying detail.flagger template spec to detail-primary.flagger"
"Routing all traffic to primary"
"Promotion completed! Scaling down detail.flagger"

Go to the LoadBalancer endpoint in browser and verify if new version 3 has been deployed. version3