By default microservice demo is not configured to send tracing data to the ADOT collector. Run the following commands to enable it:
sed -i 's/#//' kubernetes/backend/*.yaml
Then we apply these changes to our deployments
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/backend/
Now that traces are enabled, let’s head back to our application and add a new employee. Let’s get our front-end URL:
echo http://${SERVICE_IP}/
Open that URL in your web browser, and create a new employee. You can use any First Name and Last Name. For Ocuppation choose one from the following table:
Occupation |
Apprentice Software Engineer |
Software Engineer |
Senior Software Engineer |
Lead Software Engineer |
Principal Software Engineer |
For our example we will use “George Burdell” who’s occupation is “Software Engineer”.
After clicking the ‘ADD EMPLOYEE’ button, you should get a success model with the Employee ID.
Let’s copy that employee Id.
Then we’ll close the modal, and copy that Employee ID into the Get Employee field.
After clicking ‘GET EMPLOYEE’ we’ll get a modal with the Name & Occupation we provided earlier.