Customize Defaults

If you look in the newly created eksdemo directory, you’ll see several files and directories.

The table below outlines the purpose of each component in the Helm chart structure.

File or Directory Description
charts/ Sub-charts that the chart depends on
Chart.yaml Information about your chart
values.yaml The default values for your templates
template/ The template files
template/deployment.yaml Basic manifest for creating Kubernetes Deployment objects
template/_helpers.tpl Used to define Go template helpers
template/hpa.yaml Basic manifest for creating Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler objects
template/ingress.yaml Basic manifest for creating Kubernetes Ingress objects
template/NOTES.txt A plain text file to give users detailed information about how to use the newly installed chart
template/serviceaccount.yaml Basic manifest for creating Kubernetes ServiceAccount objects
template/service.yaml Basic manifest for creating Kubernetes Service objects
tests/ Directory of Test files
tests/test-connections.yaml Tests that validate that your chart works as expected when it is installed

We’re actually going to create our own files, so we’ll delete these boilerplate files

rm -rf ~/environment/eksdemo/templates/
rm ~/environment/eksdemo/Chart.yaml
rm ~/environment/eksdemo/values.yaml

Run the following code block to create a new Chart.yaml file which will describe the chart

cat <<EoF > ~/environment/eksdemo/Chart.yaml
apiVersion: v2
name: eksdemo
description: A Helm chart for EKS Workshop Microservices application
version: 0.1.0
appVersion: 1.0

Next we’ll copy the manifest files for each of our microservices into the templates directory as servicename.yaml

#create subfolders for each template type
mkdir -p ~/environment/eksdemo/templates/deployment
mkdir -p ~/environment/eksdemo/templates/service

# Copy and rename frontend manifests
cp ~/environment/ecsdemo-frontend/kubernetes/deployment.yaml ~/environment/eksdemo/templates/deployment/frontend.yaml
cp ~/environment/ecsdemo-frontend/kubernetes/service.yaml ~/environment/eksdemo/templates/service/frontend.yaml

# Copy and rename crystal manifests
cp ~/environment/ecsdemo-crystal/kubernetes/deployment.yaml ~/environment/eksdemo/templates/deployment/crystal.yaml
cp ~/environment/ecsdemo-crystal/kubernetes/service.yaml ~/environment/eksdemo/templates/service/crystal.yaml

# Copy and rename nodejs manifests
cp ~/environment/ecsdemo-nodejs/kubernetes/deployment.yaml ~/environment/eksdemo/templates/deployment/nodejs.yaml
cp ~/environment/ecsdemo-nodejs/kubernetes/service.yaml ~/environment/eksdemo/templates/service/nodejs.yaml

All files in the templates directory are sent through the template engine. These are currently plain YAML files that would be sent to Kubernetes as-is.

Replace hard-coded values with template directives

Let’s replace some of the values with template directives to enable more customization by removing hard-coded values.

Open ~/environment/eksdemo/templates/deployment/frontend.yaml in your Cloud9 editor.

The following steps should be completed seperately for frontend.yaml, crystal.yaml, and nodejs.yaml.

Under spec, find replicas: 1 and replace with the following:

replicas: {{ .Values.replicas }}

Under spec.template.spec.containers.image, replace the image with the correct template value from the table below:

Filename Value
frontend.yaml - image: {{ .Values.frontend.image }}:{{ .Values.version }}
crystal.yaml - image: {{ .Values.crystal.image }}:{{ .Values.version }}
nodejs.yaml - image: {{ .Values.nodejs.image }}:{{ .Values.version }}

Create a values.yaml file with our template defaults

Run the following code block to populate our template directives with default values.

cat <<EoF > ~/environment/eksdemo/values.yaml
# Default values for eksdemo.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.

# Release-wide Values
replicas: 3
version: 'latest'

# Service Specific Values
  image: brentley/ecsdemo-nodejs
  image: brentley/ecsdemo-crystal
  image: brentley/ecsdemo-frontend