It is possible to automate the retrieval of temporary credentials for the assumed role by configuring the AWS CLI in the files ~/.aws/config
and ~/.aws/credentials
As an example, we will define three profiles.
:mkdir -p ~/.aws
cat << EoF >> ~/.aws/config
[profile admin]
[profile dev]
[profile integ]
:cat << EoF >> ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id=$(jq -r .AccessKey.AccessKeyId /tmp/PaulAdmin.json)
aws_secret_access_key=$(jq -r .AccessKey.SecretAccessKey /tmp/PaulAdmin.json)
aws_access_key_id=$(jq -r .AccessKey.AccessKeyId /tmp/JeanDev.json)
aws_secret_access_key=$(jq -r .AccessKey.SecretAccessKey /tmp/JeanDev.json)
aws_access_key_id=$(jq -r .AccessKey.AccessKeyId /tmp/PierreInteg.json)
aws_secret_access_key=$(jq -r .AccessKey.SecretAccessKey /tmp/PierreInteg.json)
aws sts get-caller-identity --profile dev
The assumed-role is k8sDev, so we achieved our goal.
When specifying the –profile dev parameter we automatically ask for temporary credentials for the role k8sDev. You can test this with integ and admin also.
aws sts get-caller-identity --profile admin
When specifying the –profile admin parameter we automatically ask for temporary credentials for the role k8sAdmin
It is also possible to specify the AWS_PROFILE to use with the aws-iam-authenticator in the ~/.kube/config
file, so that it will use the appropriate profile.
Create a new KUBECONFIG file to test this:
export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kubeconfig-dev && eksctl utils write-kubeconfig eksworkshop-eksctl
cat $KUBECONFIG | yq e '.users.[].user.exec.args += ["--profile", "dev"]' - -- | sed 's/eksworkshop-eksctl./eksworkshop-eksctl-dev./g' | sponge $KUBECONFIG
Note: this assume you uses yq >= version 4. you can reference to this page to adapt this command for another version.
We added the --profile dev
parameter to our kubectl config file, so that this will ask kubectl to use our IAM role associated to our dev profile, and we rename the context using suffix -dev.
With this configuration we should be able to interact with the development namespace, because it has our RBAC role defined.
Let’s create a pod:
kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 nginx-dev --image=nginx -n development
We can list the pods:
kubectl get pods -n development
… but not in other namespaces:
kubectl get pods -n integration
export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kubeconfig-integ && eksctl utils write-kubeconfig eksworkshop-eksctl
cat $KUBECONFIG | yq e '.users.[].user.exec.args += ["--profile", "integ"]' - -- | sed 's/eksworkshop-eksctl./eksworkshop-eksctl-integ./g' | sponge $KUBECONFIG
Note: this assume you uses yq >= version 4. you can reference to this page to adapt this command for another version.
Let’s create a pod:
kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 nginx-integ --image=nginx -n integration
We can list the pods:
kubectl get pods -n integration
… but not in other namespaces:
kubectl get pods -n development
export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kubeconfig-admin && eksctl utils write-kubeconfig eksworkshop-eksctl
cat $KUBECONFIG | yq e '.users.[].user.exec.args += ["--profile", "admin"]' - -- | sed 's/eksworkshop-eksctl./eksworkshop-eksctl-admin./g' | sponge $KUBECONFIG
Note: this assume you uses yq >= version 4. you can reference to this page to adapt this command for another version.
Let’s create a pod in the default namespace:
kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 nginx-admin --image=nginx
We can list the pods:
kubectl get pods
We can list ALL pods in all namespaces:
kubectl get pods -A
It is possible to configure several Kubernetes API access keys in the same KUBECONFIG file, or just tell Kubectl to lookup several files:
export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kubeconfig-dev:/tmp/kubeconfig-integ:/tmp/kubeconfig-admin
There is a tool kubectx / kubens that will help manage KUBECONFIG files with several contexts:
curl -sSLO && chmod 755 kubectx && sudo mv kubectx /usr/local/bin
I can use kubectx to quickly list or switch Kubernetes contexts:
In this module, we have seen how to configure EKS to provide finer access to users combining IAM Groups and Kubernetes RBAC. You can create different groups depending on your needs, configure their associated RBAC access in your cluster, and simply add or remove users from the group to grant or revoke access to your cluster.
Users will only have to configure their AWS CLI in order to automatically retrieve their associated rights in your cluster.