Deploying Pods to Fargate

Deploy the sample application

Deploy the game 2048 as a sample application to verify that the AWS Load Balancer Controller creates an Application Load Balancer as a result of the Ingress object.

kubectl apply -f

You can check if the deployment has completed

kubectl -n game-2048 rollout status deployment deployment-2048


Waiting for deployment "deployment-2048" rollout to finish: 0 of 5 updated replicas are available...
Waiting for deployment "deployment-2048" rollout to finish: 1 of 5 updated replicas are available...
Waiting for deployment "deployment-2048" rollout to finish: 2 of 5 updated replicas are available...
Waiting for deployment "deployment-2048" rollout to finish: 3 of 5 updated replicas are available...
Waiting for deployment "deployment-2048" rollout to finish: 4 of 5 updated replicas are available...
deployment "deployment-2048" successfully rolled out

Next, run the following command to list all the nodes in the EKS cluster and you should see output as follows:

kubectl get nodes


NAME                                                    STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION    Ready    <none>   47s   v1.17.9-eks-a84824     Ready    <none>   47s   v1.17.9-eks-a84824    Ready    <none>   55s   v1.17.9-eks-a84824    Ready    <none>   39s   v1.17.9-eks-a84824   Ready    <none>   50s   v1.17.9-eks-a84824            Ready    <none>   16h   v1.17.11-eks-cfdc40            Ready    <none>   16h   v1.17.11-eks-cfdc40            Ready    <none>   16h   v1.17.11-eks-cfdc40

If your cluster has any worker nodes, they will be listed with a name starting wit the ip- prefix.

In addition to the worker nodes, if any, there will now be five additional fargate- nodes listed. These are merely kubelets from the microVMs in which your sample app pods are running under Fargate, posing as nodes to the EKS Control Plane. This is how the EKS Control Plane stays aware of the Fargate infrastructure under which the pods it orchestrates are running. There will be a “fargate” node added to the cluster for each pod deployed on Fargate.