Let’s start by downloading the fluentbit.yaml deployment file and replace some variables.
cd ~/environment/logging
# get the Elasticsearch Endpoint
export ES_ENDPOINT=$(aws es describe-elasticsearch-domain --domain-name ${ES_DOMAIN_NAME} --output text --query "DomainStatus.Endpoint")
curl -Ss https://www.eksworkshop.com/intermediate/230_logging/deploy.files/fluentbit.yaml \
| envsubst > ~/environment/logging/fluentbit.yaml
Explore the file to see what will be deployed. The fluent bit log agent configuration is located in the Kubernetes ConfigMap
and will be deployed as a DaemonSet
, i.e. one pod per worker node. In our case, a 3 node cluster is used and so 3 pods will be shown in the output when we deploy.
kubectl apply -f ~/environment/logging/fluentbit.yaml
Wait for all of the pods to change to running status
kubectl --namespace=logging get pods